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Chainlink Automation Release Notes

Chainlink Automation Release Notes

2024-09-09 - Native billing on Base Sepolia testnet

Payment in native gas tokens and approved non-LINK tokens is now available for upkeeps on Automation v2.3 or later. Currently this capability is available on the Base Sepolia testnet. When you register a new upkeep, you can select whether you want to pay in LINK, the native gas token, or an approved non-LINK token for the chain that you are using. After you register the upkeep, the payment setting cannot be updated.

See the Supported Networks page to find the contract and config information for Automation on Base Sepolia testnet.

2024-08-29 - Log trigger upkeeps are generally available

Log trigger upkeeps are now generally available. Learn more about how Chainlink Automation processes logs for log trigger upkeeps.

2024-07-30 - Migrating upkeeps on paused registries

If you have any upkeeps that are not yet migrated to v2.1, using older registries that are paused, the only action you can take is either to migrate these upkeeps or to cancel them. Affected upkeeps will show a Deprecated label in the Chainlink Automation App. When you hover over this label, it displays a link you can click to begin the migration process for the upkeep:

2024-06-28 - Automation on Base Sepolia

Chainlink Automation is live on Base Sepolia.

2024-06-24 - Deprecation of older upkeeps

Existing upkeeps on versions earlier than v2.1 will stop being performed on August 29, 2024. Migrate your older upkeeps to the latest version of Automation.

Older Automation registrars through v2.0 have already been deprecated, so you can't register new upkeeps on versions earlier than v2.1.

2024-06-06 - Automation on Gnosis

Chainlink Automation is live on Gnosis.

2024-06-03 - Registrar deprecation through v2.0

Older Automation registrars for v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.3, and v2.0 are deprecated on all supported networks (Ethereum, Avalanche, BSC, Polygon, Arbitrum and Optimism). You can no longer register new upkeeps using these older versions. Please migrate your older upkeeps to Automation 2.1 to ensure they remain operational as we start deprecating older versions.

2024-04-23 - Automation on Polygon Amoy

Chainlink Automation is live on Polygon Amoy.

2024-04-13 - Polygon testnet support

The Mumbai network has stopped producing blocks, so example code will not function on this network. Check again soon for updates about future testnet support on Polygon.

2024-03-07 - Automation StreamsLookup error handler

The Automation StreamsLookup error handler is available to help you handle potential errors with StreamsLookup upkeeps. When you add the new checkErrorHandler function, you can define custom logic to handle some errors offchain and handle other errors onchain in performUpkeep.

2024-02-27 - Automation on Optimism Sepolia

Chainlink Automation is live on Optimism Sepolia.

2024-02-27 - Automation debugging script

The Chainlink Automation debugging script is available to help you debug and diagnose possible issues with registered upkeeps in Automation 2.1 registries. The script can debug custom logic upkeeps, log trigger upkeeps, and upkeeps that use StreamsLookup.

2023-12-07 - Automation on Base

Chainlink Automation is live on Base.

2023-10-02 - v2.0 release

Automation 2.0 is now live on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, and Optimism. Automation 2.0 features include:

  • Verifiable compute: The Automation DON now leverages a consensus mechanism, via Chainlink OCR3, to give you cryptographically verified compute. Save up to 90% of onchain gas costs by off-loading compute intensive tasks to the Automation DON.

  • Log triggers: Natively use log data in your smart contracts with log triggers. Unlock new connection possibilities.

  • StreamsLookup: Seamlessly access and use Chainlink's Low Latency Data in upkeeps via StreamsLookup. Build like the best Derivative protocols.

  • Forwarder: A unique msg.Sender for your performUpkeep function so you can lock down sensitive upkeeps. Read more about the forwarder.

2023-05-15 - Automation on Optimism

Chainlink Automation is live on Optimism.

2022-09-23 - v1.3 Release

Keepers Registry v1.3 launched on Arbitrum Mainnet.

2022-08-04 - v1.2 Release

Keepers Registry v1.2 launched on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and Fantom

  • Automatic upkeep registration approval: All upkeeps on mainnet are now automatically approved.

  • Programmatic control: With automatic approval, you can now dynamically create, manage, and fund upkeeps from within your dApps and even have an upkeep fund itself. Learn more here.

  • Advanced turn-taking algorithm: Our turn taking algorithm now supports upkeeps that require high-frequency execution.

  • Durable ID and user-triggered migration: All upkeeps created in versions v1.2 and later will have durable IDs. v1.2 also supports user-triggered migration to future registry versions to make it easier to migrate to a new Keepers Registry and benefit from new features. Future migrations can still retain the existing ID. The ID is now a hash in format of a 77 digit integer.

  • Configurable upkeeps: You can now edit the gas limit of your upkeep to easily customize your upkeep to fit your needs without having to create a new upkeep.

  • Offchain compute improvements: The offchain compute sequence is improved for higher-fidelity representation of the gas and logic before transactions are submitted onchain. This helps to reduce reverts and reduce fees.

  • Minimum spend requirement: As part of the mission to continuously enhance the security of the Chainlink Network for all participants, each registered upkeep will have a minimum spend requirement of 0.1 LINK, in aggregate across all transactions for the upkeep, to discourage network spam. Note that an upkeep is the automation job itself. It is not a transaction. Each upkeep can have thousands of transactions. If an upkeep has not spent more than 0.1 LINK across all transactions at the time of cancellation, then 0.1 LINK will be retained for the network. If more than 0.1 LINK has been spent by an upkeep, the full remaining balance of the upkeep will be withdrawable when the upkeep is canceled.

Manually migrating upkeeps from v1.1 to v1.2

If your upkeep ID has 77 digits, it is already migrated to v1.2 and no further action is required. If your upkeep ID has less than 4 digits, your upkeep is on the v1.1 registry. To migrate your upkeep from Keepers v1.1 to Keepers v1.2, you can cancel it in the Keepers App, and register an exact copy of the upkeep in the Keepers App. While you can see upkeeps from both v1.1 and v1.2 in the Keepers App, all new upkeeps in the Keepers App will be automatically created on Keepers v1.2.

2022-07-21 - Underfunded upkeep notifications

You will now receive notifications to the email address you register in your upkeep when your upkeep is underfunded. We are limiting notifications on the same upkeep to once per week.

2022-06-29 - Keepers on Fantom

Chainlink Keepers is live on the Fantom Network, Mainnet and Testnet.

2022-06-09 - Keepers on Avalanche

Chainlink Keepers is live on the Avalanche Network, Mainnet and Testnet.

2022-03-01 - Keepers on Ethereum Rinkeby

Chainlink Keepers is live on Ethereum Rinkeby.

2021-11-18 - Keepers on Binance Smart Chain and Polygon

Chainlink Keepers is live on the both Binance Smart Chain Mainnet and Testnet, and Polygon Mainnet and Mumbai testnet.

2021-08-05 - Keepers v1.1 launch on Ethereum

Chainlink Keepers officially launched on Ethereum Mainnet.


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